The Ultimate Thanksgiving Menu

Being vegan doesn’t mean giving up the Thanksgiving foods you once loved. On the contrary, it’s a great opportunity to introduce delicious vegan dishes to your friends and family and create new animal-friendly traditions!

We’ve scoured the depths of the internet to bring you recipes for the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. Use it thelp you with your holiday meal planning!

1. Fluffy Mashed Potatoes


2. Porcini Mushroom Gravy


3. Cool Cranberry Sauce


4. Sensational Stuffing


5. Miraculous Mac n Cheese


6. Ridiculously-good Rolls


7. Sweet Potato Casserole


8. Green Bean Casserole


9. Holiday Roast! Also check out Tofurky and Field Roast’s holiday options.


10. Last, but not least: Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie


What are some of YOUR cruelty-free Thanksgiving traditions?

7 Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving Centerpieces

Looking for a fun and festive cruelty-free centerpiece for Thanksgiving? Try one of these great ideas to pay tribute to beautiful turkeys!


Hummus platter with bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage and celery. Recipe here. 


This platter is one I’ve admired since it was created a few years ago! [Source]

Turkey (6 of 1)-2

Vegetable platter with cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers and lettuce. [Source]


Veggie packed platter! [source]


Full of fruit platter! [source]


Perfect for the kids table: [source]


A mix of fruits and veggies platter: [source]

True Thanksgiving Turkey Facts

By Toni Okamoto

While compiling my own list of True Thanksgiving Turkey Facts, I was surprised to find this well-done infograph by Business Insider.

Turkeys live very sad lives before they are slaughtered at the young age 3-5 months old. You can help by choosing compassionate alternatives. Try planning a cruelty-free Thanksgiving with our Ultimate Vegan Thanksgiving Menu!



*It appears there is a mistake in this infographic regarding 1 million turkeys being boiled alive. Based on 2013 USDA slaughter statistics, 614,062 chickens and 16,996 turkeys are drowned in hot water. But the idea is the same — eating turkeys leads to many of them being scalded before drowning.

Point of View by Shel Silverstein

By Toni Okamoto

Every Thanksgiving, I like to crack open my copy of Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends and flip to one of my favorites, “Point of View”. It recharges my patience and prepares me for the questions my genuinely curious distant friends and family may ask. The answers are usually something like this: “Yes, I have eaten meat before.” “No, I don’t miss it.” “How do I do it? Well, my desire to end animal suffering is much stronger than taste. Befriend a turkey and it’s easy to have a totally different perspective. Here, try this delicious vegan dish that I made — you’ll love it!”. It works every time.

For vegan Thanksgiving recipe ideas, check out:
